These paintings were actually done with almost no paint of any kind that has green in the title. I had just a dab of viridian, and you can see it just slightly in the top painting. the bottom one has none.
In looking at the bottom apple, I should have put a different stem on it and called it a green tomato. I think it turned out more like a tomato. LOL. Well, anyway, tomorrow I start with a totally clean palette.

Its been a long time coming that I clean and reorganize my palette. When I first set it up I had only about 6 colors, then slowly added more, and kinda just lumped the colors together. Now that I have read up on color theory a little bit, I really want to group things a bit differently. I'm gonna go with some sort of warm, cool, and earthy groupings. Wish me luck. And while I get them all worked out, enjoy some apples.
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