Friday, October 21, 2011

Another Sailboat? Awww, Come on!!

I guess it was a slightly sunnier day when I painted this picture.  I think I've actually got a better hull shape on this boat, but not sure I captured the boat as well as I did on the last one.

comments please.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sailboat WIP

Yes, its still a work in progress.  I need to add some railings, and some cables, but I think for what I have so far, its turned out pretty well.


Monday, October 17, 2011

bunny, veg, woman

Ok, so these two aren't really related, they just happen to be posted at the same time.  and to answer your question, no, there was no model for the bottom pic.

I think i got my proportions off just a bit on the first one.  I've got a rabbit as large as a pumpkin, and potatoes and corn that are dinky in relation.  Hmmmm, well, it is just a first attempt.


Friday, October 7, 2011

A boat for the weekned

Here is the same boat as yesterday, but this one has a little different perspective.  Enjoy it.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Catching up with some things

I haven't done much painting lately because work has been so busy.  I am desperately trying to  reclaim my lunch hour and painting.  I thought I would step back and do something simple to start back up, so I did the orange door.  It, of course, didn't turn out like I wanted.  But I still like it, there are some good elements there.  Then I did the little boat, and again, good and bad.  I've been wanting to do some different kinds of paintings for some time, and my friend Carrie was nice enough to volunteer for this painting.  Let me know what you think of these.