Tuesday, March 27, 2012

herons and egrets

I like the water color and the heron in the first.  I like the old post and the egret in the second. I definitely need work on the background.  I'm just not quite sure how much detail to put there.  I'll get it.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Well, still trying to get this painting thing right.  This is the latest.  Trying to get cracks and crevices in the rocks.  also trying to give some life to the trees.  I think I did some good on this, but I am still not totally satisfied with it.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Seaside Path

Ahhhh.  A nice leisurely walk along the seaside.  Some nice cypress pines along the way.  Well, the picture didn't turn out quite like I thought, but its not half bad either.

And, looking at the pic, it looks like I forgot to put in the chain between the posts.  Hmmmm, well, nothing I cant put in later.  Enjoy

Friday, March 2, 2012

Better 1, Better 2, or Better 3

Ok, so I've been watching  videos again, and I stumbled upon one that I thought had some good advice.  "Finish you painting in under 10 minutes."  At first I though, you're nuts.  But as he went into his explanation it made more sense.  You will have to learn to control the moisture level in the paints and on the paper since you won't have time to let the painting dry.  That has been one thing I have struggled with since I started painting.  So, I am going back to trying to painting quickly in hopes of forcing myself to learn how to control the moisture.  Here are the two pictures I did today at lunch.  The first I actually drew out before I began painting.  It turned out ok, i guess, but really muddled and with no definition.  Hence the ink lines on it.  It helps with the definition, but I dont know if it makes the painting any better or not.

The other painting, i did freehand, no sketching, no pictures, just outta my mind, and trying to remember what the first one kind of looked like.  Also, i guess you could say i had a bit more of a game plan for thee second one.  I think it came out better, but still not quite what I wanted.  The background has not life to it at all, and tat really takes away from the grapes.   Well, I guess thats why they call it practice.