Thursday, April 17, 2014

A Few More Quick Sketches

Just a few quick sketches I've done recently.  I've not had time to do more than a few sketches.  But I want to keep practicing a bit. 

This little wren is a quick study to try to keep loose.

To be honest, I don't remember what typed of bird this was gonna be.  If I had to guess, I'd say a robin.  But agian, just a quick sketch and trying to stay loose.

First attempt at a butterfly I was thinking of doing for an art challenge.  The butterfly is  too yellow and the flowers are too solid red.  It's all good, like I said , its just a quick sketch.

Enjoy them.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

New Geek, Tech Clock (for sale on Etsy)

Here it is, the newest clock from Dabfly Arts.  I seem to be putting them out at the rate of one a month.  The interesting feature on this particular clock is that you can rotate the 6 computer hard drive seek arms.

If you've lost it, here is the link to my Etsy store.  Sorry, the clock is the only thing I have up right now.