Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Prima Marketing Odyssey Watercolors

Well, here it is, the Odyssey set of watercolors by Prima Marketing. The paints wet really nice and are very vibrant. They are very nice watercolors with a little catch. If you are doing more than a couple of layers of glazing, they get a little wonky. But honestly, the colors are so intense that if you plan your painting right, you may never need lay down more than a couple of layers.

You can see from the picture just how nice the colors look. The colors do, however need new names. As they are listed, they are: Tokyo, Rome, Amsterdam, Maui, Jordan, Cusco, Dubai, Jamaica, London, Inca, Budapest, and Calgary. I can see that if you are on a travel odyssey, you would want to name the colors this way, but it does make it hard to compare the colors to other kits that have more normal names. Oh, well. Once you start using the colors, you kinda forget about the names anyway and just look at the colors.

Well, thats all for now, enjoy.

More updates soon

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Watercolor Wednesday

Just a quick little painting I did on Watercolor Wednesday at the library. Its a squash and a tiny pumpkin. I have to thank my friend Jessie for putting this on. It takes place once a month and when I am able to, i like to go. Unfortunately with work, I don’t get to go often.

Every time I go, I’ll be sure to update everyone. More updates soon