Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Some Sketching on the Bus

Here are just a few of the people who ride my bus.  I've taken to sketching on the bus from time to time, and this is what I've come up with.  I am new to drawing figures, so they aren't perfect.  But even though they aren't perfect, I think they look great nonetheless.  You can clearly see what these people look like an what they are doing.    

I am looking forward to painting more bus people as the days go bye.

Since most of the people are sitting in front of me in the front of the bus, they have a pole next to them.  That's just the way our bus is lined out.  The woman with coffee was actually sitting behind me which is why there is no pole for her.

Please check back from time to time to see more sketches.  And be sure to let me know if you like these or not.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Boob, Boobs, Boobies

Ok, the title is a little misleading.  I kinda did that on purpose.  Every time I put a title like that I get a massive amount of hits to that posting.  I am sure the same will happen to this one.

But what I actually have is a Blue Footed Boobie.  Fantasticly weird bird.   He was fun to paint, and fun to research, I'm gonna keep going with painting odd, different things that most people wouldn't paint.  This one is a start.   Anyway, he's fun and funny.

I struggled with two things on this painting, and if I had to do it again I would change a few things.  First, I would put some green in the lower half of the sky.  Make it look like very far away hills.  His right foot just gets lost.  I don't really like that at all.  Secondly, I would barely tap in the shadow that is under him.  I got a bit carried away with it in this painting.

I might just have to paint this guy again just to make those changes, or maybe I should do a whole series of paintings of boobies.    I'll think about it.  At any rate,  there is a video that goes along with this one.  You can check it out below.  Thanks of the quick read, and the view.