Monday, January 27, 2014

Pencils or Paint

Ok, so while my daughter was painting this weekend, and I was sitting next to her pondering what I was going to paint, I decided to pull out the watercolor pencils.

We haven't had much rain in the past year, and we have a slight gopher problem.  As a result, I have one little tree that has been stunted and, I think had its roots eaten away.  The tree is dead or dying, but I haven't gotten up the gumption to remove it just yet.  Well, this little tree was the subject of my attention.

I did it first with watercolor pencil, then a second time with watercolor paint.  Each has its own merits.  I think I like the watercolor paint best, but I do like the detail I can put into it with the pencils.

It took all of about 10 minutes to set up, paint (draw) and finish these.  In that time, my daughter had painted two paintings and was over it.  This is all I could muster.  I'm gonna have to step up the pace to keep up with her.

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