Friday, July 18, 2014


Given up for your viewing pleasure is a group of koi swimming in a brook. The first wash of the brook bottom had a lot more detail in it.  Then I went over it wish several other washes and it seemed to take away the detail, and I never really got it back.  Also, at this point it looks a lot like about a half a dozen Zeppelins floating through green fog.

I felt i needed to do something to differentiate the fish, and so put a little bit of line aroudn some, and I think that ruined it.  I think someone would have to be beyond my level to make this a good painting.  There just wasn't enough there for me (oh, and it doesn't hurt that my water didn't really turn out.

Hey wait, if I went back an put some light or reflection over the fish that might work.  Hmmm, I'll have to think on that.  For now, it is what it is.  Hope you enjoy.

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