Tuesday, November 25, 2014

McWay, slightly differently

I've painted McWay falls before.  This time from a slightly different angle.  And this time I set out to have different values in the paintings. Definitely trying to get the closest stuff to have the highest values and the darkest hues.  The water I think is ok, and the isthmus I think is fairly good, but I think I got the tree on the left a little too dark.  It doesn't look like it sits back quite far enough for me.  Or, conversely, maybe I didn't get the tree in the foreground quite dark enough.  hmmm.

For anyone that doesn't know, this is a little cove that sits on the California coast near Big Sur.  Only about a billion pictures have been taken of the place.  I've not actually been there.  Ok, if you followed the above link you will see that my painting doesn't have quite the color the real place has, but that's kind of California today.  We haven't had a good rain all summer and everything, I mean everything is brown.

Well, anyway, there is my little picture.  Hope you all  like it.

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