Friday, February 20, 2015

Roses Redux

Ok, so here is my first finished work of roses.  I kinda like the way it came out.  I've pasted it on my office wall and already gotten several compliments.  

So I obviously  have a little work to do on my petals.  I think on some they should be closer together, and then outer layer should be pretty wide.  Since I'm still trying to figure it out, I'm not gonna be very hard on myself for an mistakes.

And I suppose you are wondering why a drip is going horizontally.  I'll explain that:  I just thought it would be fun.  That's all, no good reason.

I'm still considering not leaving the highlights on the inside of the flower, and moving some to the outside petals.  Actually, I'm not sure how much it matters.  Your eye ends up seeing the way it wants anyway, but I'll probably  try it just to see.

I definitely think that after a few more attempts I'll get roses down.  Errr, well, thats the hope anyway.

Hope you all enjoyed these.  Thanks for the view and for taking the time to read this blog.

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