Another bunch of roses. I'm still trying to get them right, whatever right is. I definitely think I'm on the right track. With the single rose, I tried putting in a loose stem and leaf. On one of the groups of three I tried to let the undercoat show through to represent some leaves, and on the other group of three just some dark shading under the bottom of the petals.
I am thinking that I can make these a little better if I let the darker color reach all the way to the outside of the petals in at lease a couple of areas. I might try that tonight. I guess that's why they call it practice.
I'm not sold on having a full green background around the roses. It really does make the flowers pop off the paper, but it seems to take away from the rose a bit. It's like its just floating in a sea of green. With no definition. I think I'm kinda on the track with allowing a base layer to show through in leave. If I overlay several leaves it might provide enough interest that I'll like it a lot. More practice and trials are called for.
These are all painted on the back side of old paintings. I've kept all my painting for the past 5 years (the entire time I've been painting). I've got a huge stack of old paintings that aren't really good, that nobody but me would like. So on the sheets that can be used on both sides, I'm using the back. If I decide to sell a few of these, whomever gets them is gonna get two pieces of art for the price of one.
Also, I'm toying with the idea of putting together a video or two to show people how I paint. I like this new style so much, I want to pass it along. Any ideas on how I should go about it? I'm accepting ideas.
Thanks for the view and the advice. Hope you enjoyed this post.
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