Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Rose Madder

It's been a little while since I made a post and I don't want it to go too long without putting one up.  I've been somewhat tired, and somewhat working on different projects (damn life getting in the way of my painting).  I did manage to get up a little gumption tonight and paint a few flowers for you all.

I'm constantly told that I do a really good job painting my flowers.  I think it is because I really enjoy painting them.  Flowers don't have a right or wrong.  They are roundish and if you give an indication of petals, people believe they are flowers.  It is true that some look more realistic, and some less, but everyone agrees that they look like what I paint.  In this case its a few roses.  Maybe they look like other flowers too, but because you've read that these are roses, they will always look like roses to you.

Well, anyway, enjoy the roses, and thanks for taking a minute to read this blog.

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